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Multi-tenant buildings

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  • Bill Robinson
    Did someone shoot JR?

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  • MarkMc
    c'mon men stay on topic... how bout that Mueller investigation!

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  • Bill Robinson
    DG, I am baffled by your claim I launched a personal attack toward you.

    Maybe you will clarify what it was that offended you..

    As I recall I suggested you look “it” up.

    And then made a suggestion you contact the local EPA for the answer

    I fail to see how that can be construed as a personal attack.

    Help a brother out here

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  • Dutchman
    Originally posted by dgbldr View Post
    Interesting indeed.

    So Bill posts a personal attack towards me, I call him out on it without attacking anyone or breaking any rules, and Allan censors both Bill's posts and mine...

    Care to explain yourself, Allan? Or just playing Emperor without a license?
    Ha, he deletes and changes my posts too. Allan is a bit full of himself and when challenged, hides behind the screen to make himself look good.

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  • Bill Robinson
    There go our guns

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  • dgbldr
    Interesting indeed.

    So Bill posts a personal attack towards me, I call him out on it without attacking anyone or breaking any rules, and Allan censors both Bill's posts and mine...

    Care to explain yourself, Allan? Or just playing Emperor without a license?

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  • Bill Robinson
    Interesting choice here Allan, what happened to the First Amendment?

    Next they will take our guns.

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  • Ted S.
    I think the answer is there is a requirement but there is no written requirement and the reality is that no prior contractor has done so before.

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  • MarkMc
    It's rocket science! Geeze. Bill it's all your fault too. All you need to do is give tenant and owner proper notification in timely manner so long as there is no exposure riskwork in common area(s). So w/o full scope and logistics of project that the simple answer. Allow generous notification time so the owner has time to go further if they need too. Of course document all that. 5...4...3..2...

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  • Bill Robinson
    Ted, I am not going to look up the chapter and verse.

    It seems some here believe I am part of the EPA and the creation of the RRP rule, not so.

    Because I was working on older homes prior to the RRP program hitting the streets some one at LSU AgCenter asked me if I would be interested in teaching the course.
    I accepted the challenge and got certified to teach the class.

    After teaching the first 2 classes i was ready to quit, the class as designed by EPA is difficult to deliver, confusing and not well thought out.

    That said I decided to stick it out and eventually came up with what I believe to be a palatable 8-hour session by adding "color" and singing with the class on hand washing. BTW I had only one person over several classes refuse to sing, needless to say they did not pass the class.

    In the process I learned more about childhood lead poisoning and other indoor air and environmental contaminants.

    Including a "Healthy Homes" bit and some trainings on how weatherization contractors can work to improve indoor environments.

    The biggest thing I saw was the devastating results of childhood lead poisoning from parents who had children experiencing neurological damage from lead poisoning.

    All that said I have made it one of my goals to help improve the quality of the indoor environment in any way I could influence.

    I do not work for the EPA and while I have some difficulty with the RRP program I also know it is very important if you have children and live in older homes.

    Soooo, I do not know where the chapter and verse for sign posting is in the Federal Register. I do believe that based on what I do understand about the intent of the program that similar to the signage called for when working on child occupied facilities the obvious path is to get a signed statement as prescribed by EPA RRP from the occupants, the owner, and to post signs visible to anyone in the area, the floor or hallway noting the nature of the work and where to get additional information.

    The required wording on the signage is nebulous and I suggest the contact info on the sign be the contractor doing the work so you know if anyone is concerned and it also could be a good lead on another job if you want that work.
    Last edited by Bill Robinson; 09-22-2018, 10:53 AM.

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  • Ted S.
    I took the course and have been looking it up since dg posted the question. Can’t find it. Been all over the EPA website, most of the links to Property Management regulations are broken. Bill can you tell us where it is in the regs. I’m more interested in the criteria requiring between RRP and HUD but regardless, I would think it would be in the same place as dg’s question.

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  • Bill Robinson
    And you DG as one who may have taken the course should know the answer

    Don’t be lazy, looking k it up.

    i have told you my interpretation

    post signs on the floor you are working on as you would in a child occupied facility

    you would be foolish to do otherwise

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  • dgbldr
    Bill, thanks for chiming in, but franky I'm a bit surprised. As one who trains other people on RRP, it would seem that you should be knowledgeable on the requirements.

    And let's stay on topic.

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  • BruceK
    No, my choice of words was correct. I said "condo", not single family residences. And just to repeat, my comments had nothing to do with lead dust or lead chips. So, check your saddle and get the burr out.

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  • Bill Robinson
    Bruce, your choice of words is telling.

    "Obviously there are no kids eating paint chips in a high end condo."

    What about in single family residences?

    And multi family?

    And market rate housing built before 1978?

    My point is that while the regulations are difficult to follow and unclear there is a real risk of neurological damage to children in any environment and is not limited to kids eating paint chips in non-high end condos.

    The unfortunate aspect of your approach is that it seems to only address following the regulations and not the concerns of spreading lead dust.

    And I have always heard the term burr under your blanket but whatever Bruce

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